
When asked the question “what motivates you?”, normally people give you such a vague answer. I believe people are not used to being asked the question about our motivation. 

Many people motivations are from their experiences that were normally negative. They happen to turn their negatives into a positive. This is what keeps people going. Today, society teaches us to be financially stable and the importance of having money in order to make it in the world. They had failed to teach us to do what makes us happy. Most times people are only doing things because of their family passions and/or society.

Do what makes you happy and pay it forward so that the next person can do what makes them happy. I decided to do that when I graduated from my undergraduate degree. I took action and changed my concentration to Leadership and Organizational Change. The best decision I made! “Why would you want to spend your time doing work you do not enjoy”?

Find what motivates you to keep going. Once you find your niche run with it and do what you were called to do.

Having a plan!

Even though things do not always go as planned, it is important to have a plan. If you don’t have a plan, there will be no structure to your life, and you wouldn’t be taking the necessary actions to get to the next step of your life. Having a plan is equivalent to providing yourself with goals.

With my goals I have for myself, I work towards them with an open-mind. Open-mind, meaning leaving room for anything that can happen. Having structure is beneficial because it allows you to know where to go next in your process. You would not be lost and you can strategically get to your next step.

Many of us have ideas of where we want to go in our lives which is really good, but to continue to be open about your plans. You know the saying “you plan and God laughs” is so true because although we have a way how we want it to go, it probably will not happen exactly the way we planned. The plan he has for us is better than you could imagine.  Give yourself a plan to go in the direction you want to go and trust and believe, God will guide you in the right footsteps.

Pray on your plans and God will make a way, if it’s for you. Everything you have or receive you will have it. No one can take your blessings from you.

Take the time to smell the flowers!

Smell the flowers before it’s too late!!!! You want others to smell your flowers too. You have your whole life ahead of you. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! Enjoy your life!!!!

Spend time with your family and friends. Especially your grandparents and parents. They are only increasing their age with time. If only they were getting younger that would be nice, but they are not. So make sure you spend some quality time, before it’s too late. I dislike those should of, could of, would of, but did not. The worst feeling. We have the time; we just don’t want to make it because we feel what we are doing is more important. Yes, it is important to grind for your dreams, however, don’t forget about the other important things in your life. To be able to celebrate with your family and friends is amazing.

We must start giving recognition to ourselves and others. Sometimes we are too modest with our accomplishments. Don’t dim your light. You deserve all that you have. Make sure you also acknowledge others around you and their accomplishments. As we desire support, it is vital to do the same for someone else.

Flowers represent beauty and many other positive attributes. Make sure we are able to give them to others, but also are able to smell our own.

You are WORTHY!

You are worthy! You are worthy! Everything you wish for or desire, you are worthy of it!!! You are never asking for too much, if anything, you are asking for too little!! People like to make it seem like you don’t deserve the things you ask for. Well forget them, you deserve the world and you will have that. Have faith, stay patient, and continue to stay focused!

Unconsciously there are times when people don’t have to say it, but they feel as though they are not worthy. You can tell by a person’s actions and their words. They would downplay their situation, saying it is not that big of a deal. Everything is a big deal.

You are worthy of love. Unconditional love. Happiness. Fun. You are worth a million...scratch that a billion dollars. Never settle!!!

Of course, in order to feel worthy, you must love yourself unconditionally. Respect yourself and make sure you don’t allow anyone to disrespect you or make it seem like you are worthless. They don’t deserve you. Remember to honor yourself. Once again, if no one has told you,


Doing things differently from others...

I don’t mind what you do during your spare time as long as you take care of your priorities and it does not have a negative impact on yourself or others. There are some people that like to watch TV and some people that do not like it. However, it does not matter as long as the person is doing what they need to do. Why concern yourself?

I don’t care, but always take care of your business first. Taking care of your business means family, yourself, and whatever needs to be in order. We all do things differently. No one is the same, we all are unique. Just because you have a way of doing things, does not make it right and vice versa. If things become a problem, by problem, once again, it is affecting the behavior negatively, then you should do what you feel is best.

Accept people for who they are and their differences. We don’t have to spend our time doing the same thing as others just to be great. Do what makes you happy, and allow others to do the same.

In any situation you must be able to see things from a different perspective because there is more than one right vision.