Take the limits off God
You got to believe and know that you know that God is so powerful. There is nothing impossible for God to solve. He can do anything if you ask. Ask and you shall receive. There is no problem too big or too small for God. Any situation that is given to you, you have the capabilities of coming out winning because of God.
All things are possible WITH GOD.
I know there are people who have problems and say they believe in God, but don’t believe in his power to get them through their situation. You have to have faith and believe in the power of God. He can move mountains for you. You just have to know it in your heart. You cannot half-believe it. It just doesn’t work like that. Know that there is someone more powerful than you, and can solve all your problems. How hard is it to believe that?
Every situation has a lesson tied with it. Ask God to reveal what you need to heal in order to grow and attract the things you want.
Seriously, take the limits off of God. Have faith, trust, believe, and always PRAY.