Love what you do!

Most times we want to do things that are easy. Like working for a job that pays a lot of money, but mourn going to work every morning. We all have a choice. We can choose to do what we were called to do or we can suffer in misery. You shouldn’t be hustling for weekends. It makes things better when you love what you do. You can be able approach situations in a different light and genuinely help others!

God forces us to do things that make us uncomfortable. Trust the process! Everything is going to work out. Trust and believe. I promise you. The first step is to let go fear and begin your new journey.

Doing what we want to do may cause a lot of sacrificing, but it will be so rewarding. You will thank yourself, I promise you. It will take a lot of patience. A lot of patience with yourself, your craft, and the things that are happening for you.

It can be frustrating when others don’t support or understand your process. There will be people that understand and there will be others that don’t. That’s okay. Love what you do. You have absolutely no time to waste or settle for things you don’t want to do.