The perfect time is now!
I know there are many people who aspire to do many things, but when it comes down to it they haven’t acted on it. They will tell you it's not the "perfect time". While trying to be a perfectionist, you should be very careful, you can become such an extreme that you never put out the work…which can equal a loss opportunity.
We have to stop choosing fear, and start doing things with love.
There is honestly no perfect time. Just give yourself a date that will allow you to push yourself into getting things done. If not, months, years, decades, and you never completing what you intended to will never seek its value that it could have.
I have done this before and still find myself being a victim, like no it’s not the time. But then I have a support system that constantly reminds me to just do it now. Next thing I know, I am just taking a leap of faith knowing God have me either way.
Every day is the perfect day to step out of your comfort zone and boss up!! Stop allowing your emotions and feelings to depict you from being great. Pray over everything you touch and do and I’ll promise you, the word regret or guilt will not be a part of your vocabulary.
Enjoy your week!