Dream Big!
Why dream small, when you can dream big? Anything that is put in your heart, you can have and achieve. With persistence and dedication, your dreams can be fulfilled.
I know there are people who are settling, and won’t even allow their selves to think or dream big. They feel if they do, it won’t happen so why let their selves down.
I personally cannot relate to this. I feel I can have it all. I don’t have to apologize for wanting it all either and you shouldn’t either. There are people that will try to deter you from what you truly want for yourself… honestly just separate yourself from those people.
I play this game called “what if”. The game speaks things that may seem impossible, possible. For example, what if I went to work and receive a bonus plus a paid vacation? Or What if I went to the grocery store and someone offers to purchase all my groceries? Sometimes the things I say end up manifesting. Try it.
Reminder: Think big, and believe you are worthy to receive all that you desire.
Create Vision Boards and start saying some affirming words to yourself. Great things can happen and are going to happen.
Have a great day!