Why are you in such a rush?
Why are you in such a rush? For success? To be rich? To accomplish your goals? Are you in competition with someone? Or yourself?
Why are you rushing? Why not learn a couple of lessons and gain some experience? Or do you just want to reap the rewards?
A question I have to ask myself daily. Why am I rushing? Now that doesn’t mean to do less but finding balance in my daily activities. Note to self: I will get there when I get there.
Rushing can create so much anxiety and many negative emotions towards your progress.
Take your time with your life. Learn and be patient with the progress. There’s no absolute rush for success. Gain wisdom and apply it to your life.
Keep pushing! Be compassionate with yourself. You have many years to go. Find out the reasons behind your actions.
QOTD: Why are you rushing?
Have a great week!