Reach out to your loved ones...
As our schedules become filled with so many things to do, make sure you are reaching out to your loved ones like your grandmother, mother, father, sister, cousin, or whomever. Appreciate and reach out to those who you love. You never know who needs to hear your voice, could use some advice, or your laugh. We all are busy, so many would understand, HOWEVER, the same amount of time you spend on your phone you could use it to call someone. Life is too short. I’m sure you know this, but do remember that when you keep putting a phone call off to call someone you love. If you live near a love one visit them. Really simple, life is not that hard.
Personally, there have been times when I do not call the people that mean a lot to me unintentionally. Something I am definitely working on. You can find someone who asks you have you talked to your loved ones. That reminder is needed. You can definitely make it a short phone call or even a text just as long as you do. If you have to put it on the calendar, call grandma or dad, do so.
Do not make it difficult to reach out. If there’s someone you been holding off calling, do so now. Appreciate those you have now. Reach out.